Three Quick Tips to Freshen Your Home Before Hosting

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One of my goals for this year is to spend more quality time with friends and family. I absolutely love having people over to our home and hosting dinners, watch parties, or just creating a relaxing atmosphere to enjoy good company. I am a homebody like no other, so I prefer staying in rather than going out, no doubt about it! Also, I probably need to open the boxes of party platters and awesome dishes we got from our wedding (ahem, nearly four years ago) and actually put them to good use!

So being the homebody that I am, I have learned a lot of tips and tricks over the years to keep our house feeling fresh and clean. I am so honored to be partnering with Procter & Gamble, one of my absolute favorite companies, to bring you a few quick and simple tips to freshen up your house before hosting a party with their wonderful products. And what better start to my resolution to spend more time with loved ones than hosting a watch party for The Olympic Winter Games. Hockey is huge in my family, and we love rooting on Team USA! Also, P&G is the Team USA Partner! A perfect match!


Three Quick Tips to Freshen Your Home Before Hosting


Whether you’re watching The Olympic Winter Games with a large group of friends, or a small family gathering, you’ll want to be stocked with all your P&G essentials, which can be found at your local Schnucks! So, of course I headed to mine and did just that!

And with The Olympic Winter Games right around the corner, P&G favorites like Bounty, Dawn, Swiffer and Febreze will help make your party prep, and cleanup a breeze. Here are my favorite products, tips, and tricks to prepare for your own watch party!


Three Quick Tips to Freshen Your Home Before Hosting



I have been using this trick for years! Bounce Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets are great for so many things other than just making your clothes feel and smell amazing. Before company shows up, I grab a few and stick them under my couch cushions to keep them smelling fresh. I love the ones that are scented with Febreze or the Outdoor Fresh scent. I’ve even used the Fresh Linen ones in my dresser drawers or closet. And here’s an extra tip, they are great to use to get dust off your baseboards too!


Three Quick Tips to Freshen Your Home Before Hosting


Three Quick Tips to Freshen Your Home Before Hosting



I just recently learned this trick, and I think it’s brilliant. My husband and I have used vent clips in our cars for a long time, and they work like a charm! So it only made sense that they would also work inside our home too. I tried it with my favorite Febreze scent, Moonlight Breeze, and now when I don’t have a good candle to burn, I grab one of these, clip it and forget it for a little while, then I’ll just unclip it before guests arrive! Do be sure to keep your pets and kids from snagging them up! Otherwise I think this is a great little trick.


Three Quick Tips to Freshen Your Home Before Hosting


Three Quick Tips to Freshen Your Home Before Hosting



To me, there is nothing better than when a grocery store has a great selection of fresh flowers and greenery. Two checks off the to-do list in one spot! I am always grabbing a bouquet of babys breath or just a good bundle of fresh greenery at Schnucks to have for around the house. It adds such a good freshness to a space and they smell oh so good! Your guests will love them too!


Three Quick Tips to Freshen Your Home Before Hosting


Three Quick Tips to Freshen Your Home Before Hosting


So there you have it! Schnucks is such a great place to shop for the variety, the convenience of many stores in St. Louis, fresh produce, and the fresh new prices that are lowered on everyday items! I can always find a good deal there!

And, get a free Team USA P&G backpack when you buy $30 of P&G products from 1/23 – 1/30 at Schnucks. Check your local store for more details!

I really hope these tips and tricks are something you can use next time you host a gathering in your home! They have been so helpful to keep my house smelling its best, and I hope they do justice in yours too!

Go Team USA!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of P&G. The opinions and text are all mine.



Three Quick Tips to Freshen Up Your Home for Hosting


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  1. I seldom use air freshener but I wanted to use everything when I have a guest. I just felt like its fragrance added more value and scenery to my space. Nice one!

  2. But I’m one of those folks that is sensitive to strong smells, good or bad. And Fabreeze is the worst for me as it’s too strong & there’s something in it that gives me a sick headache & it is EVERYWHERE in EVERYTHING now (even trash bags). Scented candles or oils can have tbe same effect. So instead of manufactured chemical or strong smells, make some homemade bread or cookies, set out baking powder, clean with vinegar hours or a day ahead so the smell is neutralized, put orange peels, cinnamon & cloves in some boiling water. Plus kids & animals can have negative effects or reactions to those earlier mentioned smells. Be careful….

    1. Oh Georgia, I’m sorry to hear that! But you have so many great smell good alternatives that sound wonderful! Especially the homemade cookies! Thank you so so much for sharing!

    1. Febreze is my favorite! And yes, the dryer sheets work awesome in ways other that just in the dryer! Hope you get some use out of them! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Love the ideas about the dryer sheets between cushions and the air freshner clip on vents. It beats buying freshners that plug into wall that costs too much and have to be replaced every month. Thanks. I will pass it on.

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