New Antique Dining Room Hutch

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Adding in a new antique dining room hutch, creating a more farmhouse style look to the space. The wavy glass and dark wood give such a new warmth to this room.

Facebook marketplace strikes again! And this find is one of my favorites so far! If you aren’t familiar with marketplace, it’s basically like a more localized version of Craigslist, except on Facebook. I always keep my eye out on there because you can get so so many good deals on furniture, in my opinion better deals than anywhere else. And this antique hutch is no exception!

It was definitely a bigger splurge than I normally make, but I have been wanting to invest in some good solid vintage pieces that I’ll carry from house to house when we do move, eventually. And I’ve also been wanting to switch out the hand-me-down hutch that we’ve had for years and years, so this was just a great buy on all fronts.

New Antique Dining Room Hutch


I feel like sometimes my pictures don’t do a space or a piece justice, and these make this antique hutch look a lot more orange tinted than it is in person. The color is perfect, such a pretty wood.


New Antique Dining Room Hutch


I was a little nervous about filling up this big blank wall, since this hutch is a little smaller than our last one, but I added additional height by placing some baskets on top, and brought out the width with some ironstone platters I hung.

So don’t ever be scared to purchase something that is a little off in the measurements you need, you can always build around it to fill wall space.


New Antique Dining Room Hutch


I filled it up with my favorite ironstone pitchers, cake stands, and antique bowls. The hinges are these beautiful brass locks, and the glass is original with that little antique wave to show off its originality. You guys, I love it all!


New Antique Dining Room Hutch


This new, or old really, hutch is the perfect additional to our dining room, and I have a few other tricks up my sleeve before I will be content finally calling this room ‘done’, if that’s even a thing in the world of decorating!


New Antique Dining Room Hutch


New Antique Dining Room Hutch



This post does contain affiliate links for you shopping convenience.

Do you love this piece as much as I do? I need to know your thoughts!









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  1. I love it, was wondering if you would give it up for me, oh and can you deliver it to my house? lol. It is beautiful, great find!

  2. Beautiful! Love how you surrounded the hutch with ironstone. Love your blog–so glad I found it! I am a new blogger and lover of all things vintage and farmhouse as well. God Bless!

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