Life Lately
When I am gone from this blog for long periods of time, I truly miss it. I miss being creative, I miss interacting with you all, and I miss sharing what I love. This was a very unplanned hiatus, so I’m here to catch you all up on what I’ve been up to!

Mental & Physical Health / IVF
I think we can all agree the last year and a half has been a lot. At the beginning of this year I was just stuck in a dark spot with anxiety issues that were honestly controlling my life. I finally decided it was time to get my mental health back on track, and with the help of my doctor I can say now I feel like a new person.
That decision was hands down the best thing I could have ever done for myself, and the hardest. I had to swallow a lot of pride when I finally asked for help. Now I could kick myself for waiting so long!
Shortly afterwords, I had a pretty intense health scare when I had to have a mammogram done, and was called back for an additional screening. They had found an area that they weren’t sure about so I eventually had to have a biopsy done. That biopsy then caused an infection that landed me in urgent care. But thank God, everything turned out benign, and I recovered just fine!
As hard as it is in the moment to not stress about these kinds of scares, it’s always a good reminder that life is a precious gift, and that worrying gets you nowhere until you actually have something to worry about.

And last but not least, we are going through IVF again to try for baby number two! We have one little beautiful frozen embryo left and we are leaving it all in Gods hands. I trust the process with everything in my being, and I know what is meant to be will happen.
House Updates
Through all the ups and downs of life, working on our house is always my constant form of therapy. And being at home a lot more this last year has made it clear to me just how worth it putting in all my efforts are.
I have been a busy lady still, when I’m not chasing around our toddler! Most of what I have been focusing on this year is painting touch-ups and a lot of smaller not as exciting projects. But, I have been working on updating some decor I wasn’t loving any longer, and I sold a ton at a garage sale I had back in the spring.

I’m really trying to figure out my new style, while also trying to bring a lot more intention to each aspect of it. I have really cut back on buying things just to buy them. I want to only buy things I really love and find useful.
We also made a few room changes that I am still working on. We recently swapped our guest room and Baileys room because she was needing a lot more space. It was a big chore, still is, but so worth it! I can’t wait to share those two new spaces here on the blog!
Bailey Updates
Speaking of Miss Bailey, she is doing great! Being a mom is a blessing I thank God for every single day of my life. She turned two in July, and I’m still left wondering how that is even possible!

She is such a sweet soul, but with turning two came a bit of an attitude too! Terrible Two’s are no joke! She definitely can give us a run for our money, but goodness, parenthood is what I live for. It is what life is all about now.

And as always I love how much she means to all of you too, and the journey you helped us through to get here is such a beautiful one.
We finally put in a garden! I have been wanting one forever and this was definitely the year to do it! But in all honestly, I wasn’t expecting to love it near as much as I do now! I have completely fallen in love with the entire process!
This year has been kind of our trial run. We build just one 4×8 raised garden bed in our backyard and planted some of our favorites. We are growing strawberries, bell peppers (red, green, and yellow), cucumbers, zucchini, banana peppers, jalapeños, roma and grape tomatoes, a tiny bit of chives, and lettuce.

Seems like a lot for one box but it’s been working out pretty well. We started late, have no idea what we are doing, probably are breaking all kinds of garden rules, but it has been so rewarding!
I’ll probably write a whole blog post on just this because I have a lot to talk about and a lot of advice to ask!
So I hope you all stay tuned because I have a lot I’ve been holding onto to share! I hope you all are doing well!
I’ve miss you so much!

I have missed you! I’m proud of you for asking for help & so glad that you are feeling better! Your little Bailey is beautiful! Looking forward to seeing you back here again more regularly, and I will be praying for another baby to add to your family! Take care and welcome back!
Kim, that means a lot. Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! Xo.
Yay! So happy you are back. Xoxo
Love you sister!
Good to have you back!
Feels so so good to be back!
What a beautiful little girl. I am happy that you are posting again. God Bless.
Thank you Francis for always being here!
I was so happy to see your post in my inbox! I’m happy to hear you and your family continue to be doing well! I find gardening to be great therapy itself although sometimes, it’s just all an experiment! Lessons learned every year!! Good to hear from you and looking forward to reading more posts from you soon! Z
Thanks Zenda! Cant wait to share more of what we’ve been up to! Thanks for being here!
So glad you’re back into the swing of things.
Thank you Robin. Feels great to be back here!
Beautiful Baby!!
Thank you Mary Ann! She’s such a blessing to us!
Hey Ashley…so sorry to hear about all of the medical issues you had to deal with. So glad that all turned out good for you. I experienced similar issues so I can identify with the stress n anxiety associated with that. So happy to hear that all is well n you are back. Missed your blogs. Praying for you n your family. Miss Bailey is beautiful. Many blessings to you
Thanks for the prayers Sandy! Being here is such a stress reliever too, so I am just so happy to be back! Xo!
Hi Ashley! You have been soooo missed! I love seeing new posts from you. Gets my creative side going. I enjoy seeing your color choices and style. Will also keep you in my thoughts for a successful IVF. As always I enjoy seeing your sweet baby girl now a toddler and yes, those terrible twos are real!
Terri, thanks for always showing up here! I appreciate it more than you know! Xo!
Hi Ashley…. enjoyed the update and prayers for another sweet baby! Everyone has been in the same boat….. very stressful year!
Gardening is the best! Raised beds change everything! We never had good soil ( always clay!) and these are a game changer. So fun! Those tomatoes that you grow taste so much better. One thing I’ve noticed is that bloggers feel so much pressure to post so many times a week and I for one am happy for any time you post! ( guess it’s the $$$ issue tho!) 😜
Love 💕Glenda M.
Glenda, thanks for all the encouragement! And I can’t wait to share our gardening experience so I can pick all your brains about some things! So happy to have you here!
Hi Ashley, Like so many of us,you had added stress to an all ready overwhelming year plus. Glad to hear ,you are doing well and trying for baby#2. Your daughter, Bailey is positively precious! Look forward to reading your blog once again.Sending a virtual hug(for the last year plus,has there been any other kind?!) Blessings,
Sending you a hug right back, my friend. Thanks for being here! And for the beautiful comment, it truly means so much! Xo!
Welcome back, great to hear from you. Glad you are doing so much better. Your little girl is so precious. Hope your prayers will be answered with another beautiful baby. Looking forward to the updates on the house. Take care
Thanks so much Judeth. You are just so kind! I can’t wait to share more!
Hi Ashley. Love your blog and happy to see you back. I too had to do IVF to complete our family. I understand the mental and emotional stress and highs and lows of the process. Take care of yourself during this time.. Looking forward to all the things you feel like sharing with us here on the blog. I love your style. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for that Kristen. IVF really is such am intense experience, but well worth it all in the end! Looking forward to sharing more soon!
Beautiful story. What a crazy time the world over, huh?! My mantra for myself this year has been that our God is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Thank goodness!!!
YES Meghan, that’s a beautiful mantra! Love it! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Ashley! I’m so happy you’re back! I’m glad you sought professional help when you needed it and are feeling better, a lesson we all need to remember. I can’t wait to read about your room updates and all about your garden! I also started a garden this year and boy is there a lot to learn. Your daughter is so sweet and I pray God blesses you with another child to love. Welcome back!
Well maybe we can learn a few things together about gardening here! Thanks for always showing up for me Pat! So happy to be back! Xo!